Product Spotlight: Posh Pile 5th Avenue compared to BMW E60 5-Series and E90 3-Series aftermarket mat. (These mats are made, we believe, in Southern China.)

Packaging Comparison:

                         Posh Pile                                        Aftermarket Mat


                        Impactful packaging that sells itself!          Primative packaging

Most aftermarket mats use soft plastic bags which scratch quickly and easily, giving them a dirty or dull appearance. At Posh Pile we use glossy, thicker plastic resealable bags, a concept we borrowed from the premium bedding industry. These resealable bags do not scratch, highlight Posh Pile's quality and attention to detail, and allow the end user to feel the Posh Pile quality.

Edge Comparison:

                                 Posh Pile 5th Avenue                      Aftermarket mat

Which mat looks superior to you?

Both mats have sewn edges but Posh Pile has a bigger, nicer finished edge. Notice the uniformity of the Posh Pile edge versus the aftermarket mat.

Pile Thickness Comparison:


                          Posh Pile 5th Avenue                                 Aftermarket mat

Both mats are similar in terms of thickness.

Heel Pad Comparison:


                           Posh Pile 5th Avenue                               Aftermarket mat

The Posh Pile mat has a far thicker and stronger 100% Nylon heel pad. The aftermarket mat uses a plastic heel pad with flocking so it appears woven. The flocking wears off easily leaving a plastic appearance.

Backing Comparison:

                                Posh Pile 5th Avenue                         Aftermarket mat

Posh Pile 5th Avenue mats use expensive TPR rubber backing instead of PVC. This makes 5th Avenue mats a more supple form - fitting, and longer lasting mat. The backing is literally 'the back bone' of the mat. A better backing makes for a far longer lasting, better wearing, and fitting mat. The Aftermarket BMW mat uses a PVC backing with far fewer studs/spikes than the Posh Pile mat. PVC gets brittle in cold weather and is also less flexible in hot weather than rubber.

Price Comparison:

  Posh Pile BMW Aftermarket Mat
Retail Price
(at an auto
accessory shop)

Which mat will offer you a longer service life, more luxury, and better value for money?